Rosacea TreatmentRosacea is a chronic skin disease that usually goes with redness, increased vascularity and inflamed acne on the face and cheeks, that is, with exacerbations and extinctions, also known as rose disease, is a chronic disease. This disorder, which is mostly seen in adults and white-skinned women, can also occur in the form of inflamed blisters. Although it is confused with acne, it has different symptoms from acne. Rosacea is mostly seen in the back region and different parts of the body, except for the face region.

Rosacea can occur in people of any age. However, the incidence is higher in the 30s compared to other ages. Generally, 10% of women get this disease. In men, this rate is lower. However, men as it is known among the people, is usually not considered as much as acne. However, it is a more painful disease than acne and other inflamed bumps and can progress over time if it is not overdone.

Scientific studies show that factors such as overweight, smoking and alcohol consumption can increase rosacea. Facial redness, which occurs frequently, is a very common picture in rosacea disease. Rosasea  is more common in people who consume a lot of bitter and sour foods, live in areas with extremely high or low temperatures, and people who are exposed to excessive sun.

What causes rosacea?

Although the exact cause of rosacea is not known, it is possible to list the possible causes of this disease. These:

  • As in most diseases, genetic factors play a very effective role in rosacea. Although there is no definitive evidence in this area, an individual with a family history of rosacea is likely to have this disease.
  • Various microbial causes can also cause rosacea to occur. In particular, a parasite called demodex, which lives on the skin, does not normally cause a problem, but when its numbers increase too much, it can act as a triggering factor in some rosacea patients.
  • Some environmental and nutritional factors also invite rosacea. Factors such as being exposed to the sun for a long time, being in an extremely hot or cold region, excessive consumption of sour, bitter and spicy foods are also effective in the emergence of rosacea.
  • Too much cigarette and alcohol consumption, tea and coffee consumption, especially fermented foods, red wine and an extremely stressful lifestyle also trigger rosacea.

What are the symptoms of rosacea?

The symptoms of rosacea may vary from person to person. However, it usually starts as a rash on the face. Later, these rashes begin to become permanent and the capillaries in the area where the redness occurs become visible. Thus, the skin becomes sensitive, dry and tense. In the future, acne-like red inflammations may occur. In some cases, burning and watering of the eyes are also seen. From time to time, the skin in the nose area may thicken and a swelling may occur in the nose, this occurs mostly in men, a condition due to the enlargement of the sebaceous glands.

Who gets rosacea?

It is more likely to occur in fair-skinned and blond women, usually in their 30s. In addition, if there are individuals who suffer from rosacea in their family history, this disease is likely to develop. Apart from this, excessively stressful life, smoking and alcohol consumption also trigger the formation of the disease. The rate of development of rosacea in women is 10 percent. Women are more likely to be caught than men. However, the disease is more severe in men.

How is rosacea diagnosed?

No specific diagnostic test is applied when diagnosing rosacea. In most of the patients, the diagnosis is made by a dermatologist through clinical examination. However, if it is deemed necessary, a small piece of the patient is taken and pathological examination is performed. During the examination with the specialist doctor, the doctor tries to make the most appropriate diagnosis by asking important questions such as when the symptoms started and how often they recur. Symptoms of other diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, or lupus, also show similar symptoms to rosacea. Therefore, the doctor may need some additional tests to rule out the presence of these diseases. Apart from these, if there is any problem in the eyes (ocular rosacea), your doctor may refer you to an ophthalmologist.

What are the methods used in the treatment of rosacea?

Rosacea TreatmentThe most decisive point in the treatment of rosacea is to stay away from all kinds of factors that trigger the disease. There are no strictly defined dietary restrictions. However, too many spicy foods and foods consumed hot affect this disease quite negatively. Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid these foods. Apart from these, it will be beneficial to stay away from caffeine, acidic drinks, alcoholic beverages and reduce the consumption of chocolate. One of the most important points is protection from the sun. Sun protection creams should be used for life. Sunscreens and lotions applied under the control of a doctor reduce the effects of this disease as much as possible. Extreme cold, heat, humidity and wind should also be avoided.

The skin of patients with rosacea is dry and sensitive. Therefore, bathing with extremely hot water and all kinds of skin-irritating procedures should be avoided. The use of dermatological products most suitable for the skin is extremely effective in keeping the disease under control. Medication or cream should be used under the supervision of a doctor. Although uncontrolled use of cortisone creams reduces the complaints at first, they make treatment very difficult in the long run.

The measures listed above are extremely important treatment methods that should be applied throughout life. In addition, other treatment methods are also applied. These; local treatments, systemic treatments, laser treatments and surgical treatments.

Local treatments consist of some creams and gels applied to the skin. In systemic treatment, antibiotics and some drugs that are derivatives of vitamin A can be used orally. Laser treatments, on the other hand, are very effective in removing redness and capillaries on the face, and reducing the severity and frequency of relapses that come from time to time. Finally, surgical treatments are applied to eliminate facial deformities that occur in very severe cases.

How long does Rosacea treatment take?

Rosacea is a chronic disease. Although there is no definitive treatment for the disease, there are serious treatment methods that allow it to be controlled. However, in addition to the treatments, regular care should be taken and attention should be paid to the diet. Paying attention to keeping the area where the discomfort occurs clean, avoiding alcohol and smoking, using dermatological creams that nourish and moisturize the skin well reduce the pain and sensitivity caused by the blisters. The disease can last for weeks, depending on its severity. The duration varies from person to person. Rosacea is a disease that requires constant communication with the doctor.

What are the clinical types of rosacea?

There are several clinical types of rosacea. These:

Telangiectatic rosacea: Permanent redness and increased vascularity are seen around the cheek and nose in this type of rosacea. It regresses almost completely with laser treatment of veins.

Papulopustular rosacea: There are small inflamed pimples in this type of rosacea. Dermatologists treat it with pills or creams.

Ocular rosacea: In this type of rosacea, burning, stinging, watering and redness are seen in the eyes.

Phymatous rosacea: In this type of rosacea, it is accompanied by a change in shape, especially in the nose.

Persistent edema in rosacea: It is a rare complication. It manifests as hard edema in the affected areas such as the forehead, the middle of the eyebrows, the upper part of the eyelids, the nose and cheeks.

What arefactors trigger rosacea?

  • One of the most important factors triggering rosacea is UV sunlight. Since exposure to excessive heat widens the vessels, skin lesions are also exacerbated. All kinds of heat and hot areas should be avoided.
  • Exposure to sudden temperature changes also triggers rosacea. Being exposed to too much cold is just as dangerous as being exposed to too much heat.
  • Alcohol use is also one of the triggers. Especially wine and liquor should be avoided as much as possible. Some alcohol-containing sauces and boza(drink) can also be harmful.
  • – Excessive coffee and tea should not be consumed.
  • – Foods associated with heat can trigger rosacea.
  • – Products with ingredients such as chemical peeling, pouch, microdermabrasion, menthol, alcohol, eucalyptus, clove structure should be avoided.
  • – Excessive soaping of the face area and the use of inappropriate irritating cosmetic products also trigger rosacea.
  • – The use of certain drugs also negatively affects this disease. These medications vary from person to person.
  • Stress and psychological factors can also trigger this disease.
  • Are there any diseases associated with rosacea? It is seen that various systemic diseases occur together with rosacea. According to studies, it is known that depression, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anxiety disorders, high blood lipids, diabetes mellitus, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and dementia are the most common accompanying diseases. However, these cases may not be seen in every patient.

There appears to be a relationship between rosacea and some gastrointestinal diseases. Gastroenterology consultation should be requested especially from those who have stomach complaints and a treatment should be arranged accordingly. It is beneficial for people with stomach complaints to regularly feed with pulpy foods.

Is rosacea contagious?

Rosacea is not contagious. It only affects the patient.

How to care for rosacea skin?

– It is very important for people with rosacea to follow an appropriate and regular skin care routine. It is necessary to keep the skin constantly moist and protect it from the sun. Correct use of cosmetics is important.

– Soft and sensitive leather cleaning materials should be used in leather care. Surfactant products should be avoided.

– People suffering from this disease are not recommended to wash their faces with hot water. If possible, the face should be washed with lukewarm water.

– Tonic should never be used.

– It is not recommended to use products containing alcohol, formaldehyde, menthol, camphor, sodium lauryl sulfate, peppermint, clove oil.

– The skin of people with rosacea is extremely dry and sensitive. For this reason, these people should prefer doctor-approved dermatological products specially developed for sensitive and dry skin.

– It is useful to use sunscreens. Silicone-containing products are also helpful. However, it should be noted that the products are fragrance-free. Products with the phrase “Fragnance free” should be preferred.

What are the recommended foods for treatment of rosacea?

The available information on this subject is limited and not much data is available. However, according to experts, it is thought that foods containing prebiotics and probiotics and rich in fiber and pulp will be useful in the treatment of rosacea. Onions, raw garlic, bananas, chicory, asparagus, whole grains are among the prebiotic foods. According to some studies conducted in recent years, it has been suggested that some dietary supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics and zinc are also effective in reducing the symptoms of rosacea. Foods such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, walnuts and chia seeds are rich in omega-3s.

How much is rosacea treatment? Rosacea treatment prices

Prices for rosacea treatment may vary according to the severity of the disease. You can reach our clinic by calling +90212 241 46 24 for the most accurate price information for you and for all your questions and Rozasea laser prices.