RF Microneedling

As a new technologic application developed in the last years, RF Microneedling brings you a younger and tighter skin!

Named “Golden Needle” due to its head consisting of gold needles, this application injects radiofrequency energy into the lower layer of the skin via gold needles. This substance injected ensures repairing the damaged collagen and initiates new collagen production. This way, the skin’s self-renewing process commences. The skin repairs damaged tissues, and reveals a shinier and tighter skin.

Tighten Your Skin with a Golden Needle!

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Tighten Your Skin with Golden Needle!

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Morpheus8What is RF Microneedling?

RF Microneedling application is made with a special head that has micro needles on it. The lengths of the needles in the gold needle cap are between 0.5 and 3.0 mm. In this application, the skin is damaged and the skin renews itself. There are approximately 49 micro-needles in the gold needle head, and the needles give radiofrequency when they enter the skin while entering and exiting the skin. 

The tiny gold needles on the cap send energy to the upper and lower layers of the skin in a controlled manner. By sending energy to the skin, elastin and collagen under the skin are stimulated and its reproduction is supported. As a result of this application, skin tone differences are reduced, pores are reduced, acne scars are eliminated and the appearance of fine lines is reduced.

How Does Golden Needle Radiofrequency Affect?

The lengths of the needles in the head vary from 0.5 to 2.0 mm. Needles on the head equipped with micro-needles pass the epidermis layer and reach into the dermis layer. Highest energy that can be applied is directly taken to the subdermal without damaging the skin surface.

Thanks to the fact that the radiofrequency energy is directly transmitted into the dermis via gold needles, collagen fibers break up, and resulting reorganized fibers gain the form to ensure contraction and recovery in a short time. New collagen production is initiated. Therefore, the purpose is to create damages in the skin to ensure rejuvenation.

How is RF Microneedling Applied and How is the Post-Application Process?

Firstly, anesthetic lotion is applied to minimize any potential pain. The person’s specific head is installed on the system, and the doses fit for the person’s skin problem are identified by specialists. The RF Micro needling application is completed within 30 minutes on average. After the application, rash and crusting may occur in your skin. These implications are normal. After the session, one should use moisturizing lotion and sunscreen.

What are the advantages of RF Microneedling?

Today, there are many devices used for skin rejuvenation. The doctor and the patient should decide together which of the applications and devices used for this skin rejuvenation should be performed. RF Microneedling application with gold needle has been a highly preferred skin rejuvenation application especially in recent years due to its easy application and keeping the comfort of the patient in the foreground. 

The advantages of RF Micro needling application compared to other skin rejuvenation applications are as follows:

It does not cause flaking, crusting and peeling on the skin of the person. There is no swelling, bruising and long-lasting redness after RF Micro needling. Due to this situation, it is possible to return to daily life immediately after the procedure.

  • It has permanent results.
  • After the first session, the results are visible and effective.
  • It is a non-surgical procedure and therefore there is no need to stay in the hospital.
  • Very effective results are observed on skin rejuvenation. 
  • Golden needle is a procedure that can be applied to every skin type and every skin color. 
  • Patient comfort is an application that is highly considered.

What are the Treatment Areas of the RF Microneedling Application?

  • Treats skin wrinkles.
  • Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Improves the quality of the skin.
  • Minimizes the sagging in the face, neck and décolletage.
  • Scars.
  • Skin spots.
  • Pregnancy cracks.
  • Cracks formed due to several reasons such as gaining and losing weight.
  • Sagging in arms and legs.
  • Tightening pores.

How Many Sessions is RF Micro Needling Applied?

RF Micro needling is applied once every 2-3 weeks. The total number of sessions to be applied varies depending on the person’s skin.

When Does RF Microneedling Show its Effect?

As a result of RF Microneedling application, skin brightness, tension, a smooth appearance in skin structure and skin rejuvenation are observed. As a result of the golden needle application, which is carried out in 3 sessions on average, an effect is observed according to the condition of the person’s skin. RF Microneedling applications for the skin are generally carried out in a period of 2 or 4 weeks. The number of sessions applied to the individual also varies according to the doctor’s application and the problem of the person’s skin. In cases such as wrinkle problems, acne scars, scars, 4 or 6 sessions are applied to the patient. After the golden needle procedure is applied, the repair under the skin of the person continues. The revitalization of the skin of the person continues to increase day by day. As a result of how many sessions the patient will get an effective result, it is directly proportional to the problem in the area where the application is made. RF Microneedling can be performed in combination with PRP or mesotherapy with the approval of the doctor.

To Which Areas is the RF Micro Needling Applied?

RF Micro needling can be applied to the entire face, neck and décolletage. Tightness, recovery and improved quality are observed in the skin.

Is RF Microneedling and PRP Treatment Applied Together?

Today, RF Microneedling and PRP, which are two procedures that are very popular in applications to the skin and are very preferred by patients, are combined to solve many skin problems in a very short time. With the RF Microneedling treatment made with a gold needle, very high frequency energy is sent to the lower layers of the skin of the person. In this way, the person’s body is triggered to produce collagen naturally. With this method, the healing process of the skin is triggered in the treated areas. 

In PRP application, growth factors secreted from platelets are released at injection sites. Growth factors increase the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin. In this way, wounds heal, problems such as wrinkles and acne are reduced and disappear. As a result of all these, the skin of the person is renewed. 

In practice, the patient may experience very little pain. The process takes approximately half an hour. Anesthetic cream is used before the procedure for the comfort of the patient. After the procedure, there may be a slight pinkness and mild edema on the skin. This is a situation that resolves spontaneously within 5 hours to 1 day. The number of sessions and the intervals between sessions vary from person to person. If it is necessary to generalize, 2 or 3 sessions can be applied with a one-month break. 

The result of the procedure is visible after approximately 6 weeks. It may be necessary to wait 3 or 6 months to see the maximum effect. Combined gold needle and PRP treatment; It is applied for skin rejuvenation, treatment of bruises under the eyes, treatment of wounds, treatment of acne scars, treatment of wrinkles, tightening of pores on the skin, treatment of burns and effective results are obtained.

How Much Does RF Micro Needling Application Cost?

Golden needle prices and the total cost of RF Microneedling are the most frequently asked questions by patients regarding RF Microneedling application. RF Microneedling price varies from person to person. The area of the area where the application will be made and the problems of the area where the application will be made vary for each person. Due to these situations, the gold needle price also changes. First, a doctor’s examination is performed, and according to the result of the examination, the price of RF Microneedling, the number of sessions to be applied, and the issues at which the sessions will be held are determined. 

If you have skin blemish problems, stretch marks, acne scars, wrinkles and similar problems, the golden needle application will be very suitable for you. It is now very easy to have a young and lively skin after RF Microneedling, which is applied in a short period of time and performed in sessions. You should be examined by our doctor to get the most up-to-date and accurate price information. 

You can find the most reliable information about RF Microneedling Istanbul, Turkey prices by calling our clinic. It is not legal for centers accredited by the Ministry of Health to indicate prices on their websites. For this reason, you can get information about RF Microneedling Istanbul Prices by calling 0212 241 46 24 and contacting Quartz Clinique.