PRPPRP treatment is applied to the scalp of women and men with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.

For women and men, hair is an indicator of their personal style. Hair is used as the most important part of a person in a large part of human life. The problem of hair loss puts people in a difficult period. Today, the problem of hair shedding with PRP is left behind. 

What is PRP for Hair Loss?

PRP is a treatment that is easily applied using people’s own blood. A blood sample is taken from a male or female patient, generally from the patient’s subject, in a special tube. The blood sample taken is then placed in a centrifuge for 10 minutes. Inside the centrifuge, the blood tube is quickly rotated to separate the plasma from the red blood cells, and a special portion of plasma (platelet-rich plasma) is injected into the patient’s scalp with microneedles. In this way, PRP for hair loss treatment is applied to the patient.

Who is the Good Candidate for the PRP for Hair Loss Treatment?

If the person’s hair follicles are healthy and if the person has a hair loss problem, this person is a suitable candidate for PRP for hair loss. There may be excessive hair loss in this patient group, but there is no complete baldness in this patient group.

If the patient starts the hair PRP treatment right at the beginning of the hair shedding, the results are better. PRP for hair loss treatment It is a useful application for anyone with thinning hair, women with male pattern hair loss, men and women with hair loss problems, men. Hair PRP treatment is not applied to pregnant and lactating women. However, hair PRP is not applied to people who use blood thinners, have cancer patients and have had cancer in the past. If hair PRP treatment is performed before the baldness problem occurs in men, impressive results are obtained.

How Does PRP for Hair Loss Treatment Work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) contains high concentrations of a large number of growth factors that are actively secreted from the α-granules of platelets and stimulates hair regrowth. 

Among the factors that are effective in stimulating this odor are platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, connective tissue growth factor and insulin-like growth factor. These essential proteins regulate cell migration, cell attachment, cell proliferation and differentiation. In addition, it supports the accumulation of extracellular matrix. It supports the regrowth of one’s hair by binding to the relevant receptors displayed by the growth factors in PRP, hair follicle stem cells and hair odor-related tissues.

What are the Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss Treatment?

PRP for hair loss treatment acts as a nutrient for the hair follicles of the patients. Therefore, existing hair follicles are supported and the growth of hair follicles that cannot grow due to insufficient nutrition in the scalp is encouraged. PRP treatment especially works in “Male pattern hair loss”. It prevents hair follicles from disappearing over time and prolongs this process. With PRP treatment, this cycle is not broken and new hair is formed. A mixture of plasma, proteins and cytokines separated in PRP treatment application contains growth factors. Both of these factors are involved in stimulating one’s hair follicles for hair growth.

Is PRP for Hair Loss Treatment a Painful Application?

PRP for hair loss treatment is applied in women and men to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss. While applying PRP for hair loss treatment, the patient does not feel any pain. PRP treatment is a very comfortable application. In the treatment of PRP, solutions with anesthetic effects are applied to the area to be treated beforehand, and some patients prefer treatment without the application of anesthetic cream. Since PRP treatment is performed with very small needles, pain is not felt during the treatment.

PRP for Hair LossHow many Sessions of PRP Should be Applied to the Hair?

PRP for Hair Loss treatment is applied to patients between 4 and 6 sessions. 8 sessions of PRP treatment can be applied to the scalp that has many problems. PRP for hair loss treatment sessions are between 3 or 4 weeks. After the PRP treatment sessions are over, the patient should repeat the treatment once a year in order to continue to show its effect continuously.

When does PRP for Hair Loss Treatment Show its Effect?

The effect of PRP on the patient’s hair begins to be seen exactly after the 2nd month. The duration of the PRP treatment applied to the hair may vary from person to person and according to the size of the problem area in the patient’s hair.

What is the Difference Between Hair Transplant and PRP?

Hair transplant treatment gives fast results. However, hair transplantation is a surgical treatment. It may not be suitable for every age group and every hair type. Hair transplantation is a more costly treatment than PRP. 

PRP for hair loss treatment is a cheaper option that does not require patience, is easy, comfortable, fast and can be performed without surgery. One of the most important differences is that the PRP treatment applied to the person is not performed to fill the missing hair areas as in hair transplantation. The aim of PRP for hair loss treatment is to protect the existing hair.

How Much does PRP for Hair Loss Treatment Cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

PRP for hair loss treatment prices; It varies according to the area to be applied, the experience of the doctor, the location of the clinic, and the number of sessions of PRP. The PRP for Hair Loss Treatment to be applied to the problematic area of the patient’s hair may vary from person to person. 

The majority of the region with hair loss problems can change the price of PRP treatment. In addition, PRP prices and single session PRP prices may vary in combined applications. You can reach the healthiest information about PRP for Hair Loss Treatment Istanbul, TURKEY prices by calling our clinic. For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website. Therefore, please dial 0212 241 46 24 to contact Quartz Clinique and get information on PRP for Hair Loss Prices In İSTANBUL, TURKEY.