Nasolabial Fold FillerIt is the name given to filler the nasolabial lines of people with certain fillers by experienced and specialist doctors in the field of nasolabial fold fillers. The active ingredient of nasolabial fold fillers is hyaluronic acid. Nasolabial fold fillers do not cause destruction in the injected area. There is no melting in the tissues to which it is applied. It gives a fuller and more lively appearance of the tissues.

The nasolabial fold is the name given to the line starting from the sides of the nostrils and moving towards the mouth. With the nasolabial fold being prominent, an expression is formed on the faces of the people that causes them to look unhappy and tired. Because of this situation, people seem older than they are in their social environment. The nasolabial folds are also called laugh lines. The reason for this is that these lines appear more clearly during laughing.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Nasolabial Fold Filler?

There is no specific age range for the application of nasolabial fold fillers. In addition, nasolabial fold fillers can be applied to anyone, regardless of whether the patient is male or female. For the application, the age of the patient should be over 18 years old and should not have a health problem that would prevent her/him from having nasolabial fold fillers.

For the application of nasolabial fold fillers, the application should be made before the appearance of deep wrinkles, especially. Young women and men especially have this application to make their skin look more vigorous and livelier. In some people, nasolabial folds descending from the edges of the nose to the edges of the lips are congenital. People with this type prefer the application of nasolabial fold fillers because they are older than their age and have an unhappy appearance and in order to eliminate this.

What Should be Considered After Nasolabial Fold Filler?

Before the nasolabial fold filler is applied to the patient, the nasolabial region is examined by the doctor. Before the filler application is made, all the details that should be known about the nasolabial filler are shared with the patient by the doctor. Before having the nasolabial fold filler procedure, the patient should make an appointment and be examined by the doctor, and if there is any health problem, it should be stated.

Nasolabial fold fillers begin to take effect immediately after it is done correctly and completely by the doctor. Patients can easily continue their daily lives shortly after the procedure. There are some important points that patients should pay attention to after the application. In particular, patients should not strain their facial muscles. Too many mimic movements should be avoided for the same day. 

In summary, there are the following issues to be considered:

  • Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used before nasolabial fold fillers.
  • Blood thinners such as aspirin should not be taken before and after nasolabial fold filler.
  • After the application of nasolabial fold filler, green tea should not be consumed, especially for the first 2 hours.
  • After two hours after the nasolabial fold filler, the patient can take a warm shower and should avoid hot water.
  • The patient should not have procedures such as massage on her/his skin.
  • The patient should prefer to lie on her/his back with high pillows on the first day after the procedure.
  • Plenty of water consumption is very important.

Nasolabial Fold FillerHow is Nasolabial Fold Filler Application Done?

Before the application of nasolabial fold fillers, local anesthesia is applied to numb the area to be treated. After numbness occurs, injections are made at regular intervals into the nasolabial region with the injector containing the filler. In this way, the nasolabial folds on the patient’s face are lifted by the effect of the filler, and the patient looks healthier and younger. The application of nasolabial fold fillers varies with the amount of filler and how deep the fillers are applied. The application of nasolabial fold fillers, which is performed by a doctor who is an expert and experienced in her/his field, takes approximately 30 minutes. Nasolabial fold filler application can be applied as a few sessions in some cases. In the first session, the entire filler to be applied is not injected, and the procedure can be applied by feeding the filler thoroughly in a few sessions. After the application, the patient can continue her/his normal life immediately.

How long is the Nasolabial Fold Filler Effect?

Nasolabial fold fillers begin to show positive effects on the skin of the person from the moment of application. It takes approximately 14 days (2 weeks) for the filler to fully settle and act on the injected area. The effect of nasolabial fold fillers varies from person to person. Patients notice the filler effect and elasticity on their faces approximately 2 weeks after the application. The effect of nasolabial fold fillers lasts approximately one and a half years after the application. If the effect is desired to be long-lasting, nasolabial fold filler applications should be repeated at certain intervals.

How Much does Nasolabial Fold Filler Cost in Istanbul, TURKEY?

Nasolabial fold filler prices vary according to the amount of filler to be used in the application. The price of nasolabial fold filler is determined and charged according to each 1 cc of filler. In practice, a special filler is opened for each patient and this form of application is of great importance in terms of hygiene. However, for the treatment, the same price applies to the same amount of work, so it should be noted that no patient with the same amount of treatment paid more than the other patient. It is not legal to specify prices on websites for centers accredited by the Ministry of Health. Therefore, call 0212 241 46 24 to contact Quartz Clinique and to get information about Nasolabial Fold Filler Application Prices in ISTANBUL, TURKEY.