Mentor Breast ImplantMentor breast implants has been taking its place as the leader among the manufacturers producing the best quality breast implants all over the world since 1984. Mentor breast implants consistently meet strict quality and testing standards and have always been above standards. Basically, mentor breast implants are divided into two types;

  • Breast implants with gel filler
  • Breast implants with saline filler

The breast implant adapts easily to the patient thanks to the structure of its silicone outer sheath. They are usually a few millimeters thick. It varies according to breast implant shapes. Breast implants that patients especially prefer are round and drop-shaped ones. Breast implants are also divided into two according to their surface as smooth or rough; They are divided into two as medium and low ratio according to their heights.

What is the Structure of a Mentor Breast Implant?

Liquid silicone is never used in Mentor breast implants. The cohesive gel used in Mentor breast implants is not runny. Since it is a non-fluid cohesive gel, there is no leakage even if the implant is damaged. Mentor breast implants are available in more than one shape and variety. Their common features are that their exteriors are in a silicone structure and their outer layers are composed of 3 stages in the form of 3 methyl-phenyl-methyl. In the production of breast implants, a silicone implant with a thickness of a few millimeters is filled with saline or solid silicone, also called cohesive gel. The most important feature of Mentor solid silicone implants is that even if the implant explodes, the silicone does not flow. This reduces the risk of capsular contracture in the postoperative period.

Mentor Breast Implants Gel Firmness Grades

Cohesive I: It is the softest gel of Mentor.

Cohesive II: It becomes more densely fluid. Doctors and patients who want a hard-feeling implant structure prefer it.

Cohesive III: It is the gel with the hardest density. This gel is hard compared to other gels and has a structure that preserves the softness and naturalness of the breast feel.

Mentor Breast ImplantMentor Breast Implant Shapes

According to the breast shape desired by the patients in line with their expectations: a round or anatomically shaped breast implant can be selected. Anatomically shaped breast implants have a drop-like shape. Because of this shape, it creates a natural look. Mentor breast implants have many different outwardly prominent degrees. These are defined as low, medium, medium plus, high and ultra-high. High-profile prostheses can be the right decision for patients who want great protrusion and at the same time have a narrow chest wall.

What are the Features of the Gel-Filler Mentor Breast Implants?

  • Mentor breast implants are FDA and CE approved.
  • Mentor breast implants have a flat surface or a rough structure.
  • It is available in a wide range of sizes in order to adapt to the patient’s body.
  • Mentor breast implants are filled with natural Mentor cohesive gel, which resembles breast tissue.
  • Mentor breast implants are fully filled in order to provide an accurate outcome estimate.
  • There are five options available: Low, Medium, Above Medium, High, and Ultra High.
  • Mentor breast implants are under Mentor guarantee.

How is Breast Implant Surgery Performed?

Breast augmentation surgery with breast implant is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately 1 or 2 hours on average. While planning breast implant surgery, the doctor decides where to place the breast implants on the patient’s body according to the body structure and the wishes of the patient. Breast implants can be placed in 4 different areas: under the armpit, nipple, under the breast, and around the belly button, and all of them have different advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to get a doctor’s opinion for the most suitable breast implant surgery for the patient. During the breast augmentation surgery with breast implant, the milk ducts in the breast are not touched and the nerve tissue is not damaged. According to the patient’s preference and body fit, the implant is placed under the muscle or on the muscle where the breast is located. After the breast implant is placed, the breast implant surgery ends with the help of aesthetic sutures.

How Often Should a Breast Implant be Renewed?

Breast implants used in the past were recommended to be renewed every 15 or 20 years. Breast implants used in Quartz Clinique are guaranteed for life. You do not need to renew or replace your breast implants after breast aesthetic surgery. Breast implants take a natural shape over time due to their structure and implant-induced sagging does not occur. As a result, after breast augmentation with a breast implant, your breasts will be upright, plump and aesthetically pleasing for years.

How Much does Mentor Breast Implant Surgery Cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

Every woman wants a beautiful and attractive breast. Mentor Breast Implant surgery is a very common operation, it is very important to feel ready before deciding on breast implant surgery. If you are not pleased with the size of your breasts, if you want your breasts to appear larger and to appear more balanced in general, you can call (dial +905442684433) us for detailed information and to make an appointment for an examination. Your self-confidence will increase after Mentor breast implant surgery. You will be able to wear the clothes you want like other women (like bikini, swimwear). For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website. Therefore, please dial 0212 241 46 24 to contact Quartz Clinique and get information on Mentor Breast Implant surgery Prices In İSTANBUL, TURKEY.