Lipoma TreatmentLipoma occur when fat cells of different sizes, appearing in different parts of the body, grow more than normal. Sebaceous glands, which can be seen in most people at almost any age, are more common in men. Oil glands can be seen in most parts of the body. There are various reasons below. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the sebaceous glands, which are called lipomas in the medical language, by surgery. They usually grow slowly. This can sometimes delay us to notice the sebaceous glands.

What is Lipoma?

Lipomas are raised, usually skin-colored formations that occur anywhere on the body. Lipoma can be seen frequently in adulthood as well as in childhood. Lipomas (Sebaceous glands) are usually benign. It can disturb people only because it has a bad appearance in aesthetic appearance. Especially the oil glands that appear in the face area disturb people in terms of aesthetic appearance. For this reason, the oil glands are removed without leaving any traces or with minimal traces.

Sebaceous glands are mostly seen on the scalp, back, neck, genital area, various areas of the face and shoulder area in our body. It is soft in structure and does not disturb when you touch it. Since it contains oil, you may feel that it moves when you touch it. Oil glands do not cause pain or aches. However, enlarged, hard, adherent to the underlying tissue, changing color may indicate other dangerous tumors other than lipoma, and require dermatology examination as soon as possible.

Causes of Oil Gland Formation

There are situations in the formation of the oil gland that can vary from person to person. If we list the situations that usually cause the appearance of oil glands;

  • Genetic factors,
  • Unhealthy and irregular diet,
  • Diseases involved in metabolism,
  • Damage to the skin (such as an accident),
  • Old age of people,
  • Obesity and unhealthy weight gain,
  • Liver ailments,
  • Having diabetes,
  • Presence of insulin resistance in individuals.

The reasons listed above are the most common factors in the formation of sebaceous glands and are among the factors that provide the basis for the formation of glands. The exact causes of sebaceous glands are not known.

Sebaceous Gland (Lipoma) Symptoms

When an Lipoma appears in our body, we can see it with our eyes and usually do not give any symptoms. However, we can understand the lipoma that we cannot see or that are very small, that is, unnoticed, by the symptoms they show. Situations that occur when the sebaceous gland appears;

  • Swelling in any part of our body,
  • Blisters in white or yellow colors,
  • The feeling of moving when touched,

The above symptoms vary from person to person. Conditions to watch out for in the symptoms are pain, infection, discharge, discoloration or enlargement of size. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should go to a doctor’s examination without wasting time. As in all other diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of the lipoma will prevent the occurrence of risky conditions in terms of health.

Diagnosis of Lipoma

Diagnosis of the lipoma is made by seeing the symptoms and consulting a doctor. During the physical examination, the doctor first examines the body. Where in the body there is a sebaceous gland or not, a physical examination is well looked at. The doctor intervenes in the glands manually. If the glands are soft and moving, they are checked. Almost 99% of the lipomas are benign and are not in the risky group. A definitive diagnosis is made as a result of pathological examination. When malignant glands are detected, ultrasound examination is performed. If the ultrasonographic images are examined and the suspicious situation is confirmed, surgical operation is required.

Lipoma Treatment Methods

Lipoma TreatmentMost sebaceous glands (lipoma) are benign and harmless. Aesthetic interventions are made especially for those who are in the face area or directly visible areas. In addition, if the oil glands formed in the back area are large, a feeling of discomfort may occur when you lean the back, that is, when it comes into contact with any place. The removal of the sebaceous gland is performed with a simple surgical operation. During the surgical operation, local anesthesia is first applied to the patient. The procedure is a painless and short-term operation. After the procedure, the patient is discharged on the same day after being kept under control for one or two hours.

If the lipoma is malignant, a sample is first taken for pathological examination and biopsy is performed. According to the biopsy result, the operation is performed for thelipoma. If it is determined to be malignant, the glands are removed by surgical operation under anesthesia. Afterwards, patient follow-up is essential.

It is imperative that the patient goes to a doctor’s examination at regular intervals in order to monitor the formation of malignant glands again and to evaluate the condition of the existing glands. After the operation, the mass removed from the gland is examined.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lipoma

There are certain frequently asked questions about the lipoma. The answers to these questions must be known correctly. Acting with hearsay information can lead to more risky situations in terms of health.

  • Is squeezing lipomas harmful?

In order to prevent risky situations, you should avoid situations such as touching or squeezing the oil gland.

  • Do the lipomas recur?

Oil glands have a regenerative structure. It renews itself especially due to genetic predisposition and ongoing liver disorders. There is a possibility of recurrence even in areas that have been cleaned with surgery. The recurrence of lipoma is normal and normal.

  • Do lipomas create cancer risk?

The lipomas are not expected to become cancerous or turn into cancer. However, physician control is recommended for definitive diagnosis in order not to be confused with conditions similar to oil glands.

  • Is the lipoma a type of tumor?

Lipomas are a type of tumor. It occurs under tissue. Generally, when tumors are mentioned, harmful and risky situations come to mind. However, lipomas are known as benign tumors.

  • Will there be any scars after lipoma surgery?

Temporary scars may occur due to the small size of the glands in aesthetic operations. But these traces pass in a short time. There is a possibility of scarring after larger lipomas are removed. There is no risk of scarring on the sebaceous glands cleaned by vacuuming with liposuction.

Lipoma Treatment Prices

Lipoma treatment prices vary according to the number of glands and the type of gland. The experience of the doctor who will apply the treatment, the patient’s condition, clinical equipment, which treatment method will be applied affect the price. Especially in aesthetic interventions, the experience of the doctor is very effective in terms of price. You can get the most accurate price information after the doctor’s examination. In addition, the examination and the examinations requested before the treatment also cause the price to change.

According to the rules of the Ministry of Health, it is not correct to give prices for health treatments on the internet pages. The prices for your treatment by experienced doctors with high patient satisfaction may also increase. For more information about lipoma treatment prices and examination fees, you can reach us from the information on our contact page and easily make an appointment. After making an appointment, the staff and doctors in our clinic will answer all your questions about sebaceous gland treatment prices. We provide services with our specialists in the treatment of many diseases to make you healthier and feel happier. You can get information about sebaceous gland treatment prices by calling our polyclinic on +902122414624