Eczema TreatmentEczema is a skin condition that most people face more than once at some point in their life. Eczema manifests itself with symptoms such as redness, burning, itching, flaking, and skin cracks in the long term. Eczema can occur for different reasons in people of all ages, regardless of gender. There are multiple methods used in the treatment of eczema, which is a chronic skin condition. It is not in a serious or risky disease group. However, due to the appearance it creates on the skin, it can cause problems such as lack of self-confidence or discomfort with its appearance.

What is Eczema?

If we briefly explain eczema (atopic dermatitis), it is a condition of redness, scaling, itching, that is, dermatitis that occurs on the outer surface of the skin. The fact that eczema develops skin cracks over time carries the risk of developing effects from these cracks. Since eczema is a skin disease, it creates a bad appearance in the physical appearance of people when it is not treated. This can lead to a decrease in the self-confidence of individuals with eczema. Eczema, especially on the face and hands, in areas seen by everyone, can affect the psychological state more badly. In watery eczema, very itchy small water-filled blisters form on the skin. When eczema is noticed, it should be diagnosed by a dermatologist, and then the treatment process should be started. In some types of chronic eczema, eczema can be seen at every stage of life in some people. This requires the constant use of eczema creams and medications. Although eczema is harmless, it is a type of disease that adults are not satisfied with because it creates skin and image disorders.

In Which Areas of the Body Does Eczema Occur?

Eczema is a skin problem that can be seen all over the body. The most common areas of eczema are;

  • Scalp,
  • Face,
  • Hands,
  • Elbows,
  • Back of the knee,
  • Leg area,
  • It can often be seen behind the ear.
  • Causes of Eczema

The most common causes of eczema are;

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Allergic reactions,
  • Circulatory diseases,
  • Cleaning and gardening with detergents, chemical solvents, caustic products
  • Stress, nervousness, mental illness,

What Are the Symptoms of Eczema (atopic dermatitis)?

Eczema TreatmentEczema, a skin disease, has certain symptoms that manifest itself in people. These symptoms are;

  • Dry skin,
  • Itching,
  • Fluffy skin,
  • Flaking,
  • Skin shedding,
  • Redness,
  • Inflammation in the problem area,
  • Dandruff problem, if it has appeared on the scalp,
  • Cracked appearance of the skin is the most common symptoms of eczema.

What Are the Types of Eczema?

There are different types according to the cause of the eczema problem. Common types of eczema;

Eczema on the hands (irritant contact dermatitis); This type of eczema is a dermatitis condition that usually occurs on the hands of those who do cleaning or gardening, due to contact with caustic detergents, soaps, chemical solvents and dyes, and products such as bleach.

Atopic eczema type: It is a type of eczema that usually starts in childhood. This type of eczema should be kept under constant follow-up and some precautions should be taken to avoid exacerbation. These precautions and treatment are given to patients by dermatologists.

Seborrheic Eczema: It is more common in people with oily skin. This type of eczema often manifests itself in oily skin areas. It manifests itself mostly in spring and winter. The most obvious symptoms are crusting, redness and scaling in laugh lines, hair roots.

Allergic Contact Eczema: It is common in some occupational groups such as health workers, cement workers, silversmiths, jewelery workers and hairdressers. It develops after the person is allergic to some substances and after repeated contact with these substances. In our society, it is most commonly observed against nickel (fake jewelry, belt buckle allergy). The diagnosis is made by dermatologists by performing an allergy patch test.

Asteatotic Eczema: This type of eczema, which manifests itself more in old age, is more evident as a result of drying of the skin. Frequent bathing also causes this type of eczema to occur.

Numular Eczema: Numular eczema, which is a chronic type of eczema, is seen on the hands, arms and legs. The resulting lesions are circular in shape and very itchy.

Eczema due to plants (Phytodermatitis): It is itching, redness, scaling and burning seen in the areas touched by some plants. The best known is nettle.

Diaper eczema (Diaper dermatitis): You should pay particular attention to diaper changes. Constantly wet and pooping diapers can also cause the development of eczema.

How Is Eczema Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of eczema is quite easy for other diseases. There are 3 methods used in diagnosis. Diagnosis by Physical Method (Anamnesis): In the anamnesis method, information is obtained about the chemical products used by the patient and the contact with chemical products. Afterwards, the size and type of eczema are determined by physical examination. In the physical examination, it is checked whether the skin is dry, red, cracked and exfoliated.

Diagnosis by Patch Test: If eczema occurring in physical diagnosis is thought to be of allergic origin, a patch test is performed. In the patch test, patches containing more than one allergen are adhered to the back area. These patches stay on the back for 2-3 days on average. The areas where the patch was removed are examined and checked for an allergic reaction.

Leather Pick Test: Prick test is performed on the inner surface of the arm. A drug containing allergen substances is dripped into the inner part of the arm. Then the skin is scratched with a sterile lancet. It will take a while. After the waiting period, the diagnosis is made as a result of redness and swelling in the area. This test is generally used in conditions such as urticaria (hives), allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, and is not preferred in eczema.

Eczema Treatment Methods

Eczema TreatmentRecovery after treatment is seen in a short time. However, there is a risk that the disease will re-occur, if it is allergic, the cause is determined and its use is prevented. If it is not allergic eczema, care routines are created by dermatologists to prevent it from recurring. The area with eczema is constantly treated with medication.

Anti-allergic drugs are generally used in the treatment of eczema. The content of drugs consists of corticosteroid substance. In addition, moisturizing the skin daily is very important in the treatment of eczema. Skin protective creams are used in the treatment to prevent conditions such as itching, allergies, redness and skin rash that occur with the disease. Generally, creams with moisturizing properties are preferred. Applying cologne, scratching excessively, waiting without treatment, using home-made unconscious products can delay or increase the healing of eczema. Do not forget to moisturize your skin with a moisturizer suitable for your skin type, especially after taking a shower. Regular use of creams and medications is of great importance in the treatment of eczema disease. You should also see your doctor at regular intervals.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Eczema Disease

Is eczema contagious?

Eczema is not contagious

In which parts of the body is eczema found?

Eczema can be seen in any part of the body. The most common areas are hands, knees and elbows, face, fingers. In some people, eczema can be found in and around the genital area. People who work in occupations that are in constant contact with strong chemical products or certain metals are likely to develop eczema on their hands and faces.

What are the herbal methods used in the treatment of eczema?

It is not recommended to use herbal treatment without physician control in the treatment of eczema. Some eczema may increase as it develops due to plants. (see Phytodermatitis)

How is eczema (atopic dermatitis) treated in children?

Creams are used in the treatment of eczema in babies. It must be under the treatment and control of a dermatologist. Sweating, nylon clothes trigger eczema. Prefer to wear comfortable clothes with cotton content.

Is there a risk in the type of weeping eczema?

This type of eczema, which usually appears in adults, is more common in women. A different treatment method is not applied in the treatment of weeping eczema. Likewise, creams and moisturizing products should be used.

Does eczema heal on its own?

Eczema can sometimes heal on its own. But since it is a recurring discomfort, it is necessary to use medication and moisturizer. Especially using a moisturizer will reduce recurrence.

Does breast eczema interfere with breastfeeding?

Eczema in the breast area does not prevent breastfeeding, but the healing process will be prolonged as long as breastfeeding is done. The treatment process should be planned with a dermatologist.

Eczema Treatment Prices

It is not possible to give exact price information about eczema treatment. Since creams are generally used in the treatment, the price of the creams used is also important. Consistent use of medication can be costly. Usually eczema remedies have an average price. The methods used in the diagnosis of eczema can also affect the price. The experience of the doctor, the path to be followed in the treatment and the condition of the patient can also affect the price.

According to the rules of the Ministry of Health, it is not correct to give prices for health transactions on the internet pages. The prices for your treatment by experienced doctors with high patient satisfaction may also increase. To get more information about eczema treatment prices, you can reach us from the information on our contact page and easily make an appointment.

We provide services with our specialists in the treatment of many diseases to make you healthier and feel happier. You can get information about eczema treatment prices by calling our polyclinic on +902122414624.