Sebaceous Cyst TreatmentSebaceous cysts are swellings under the skin, which are usually surrounded by a capsule. Sebaceous cyst can occur in many places in our body.  Sebaceous cyst are divided into benign and malignant. Some of the malignant risks have serious life-threatening types. Cysts can occur for different reasons from person to person. Early diagnosis and early treatment are of great importance in cyst types and diseases.

Cyst: It is the general name given to sac-like formations that can occur in many different places in our body, contain fluid or air, and can be divided into benign and malignant. Cysts can be seen in both tissues and organs of the body. Sizes can vary for everyone. Therefore, early diagnosis and follow-up of cysts of all types and sizes are essential. Most of the cysts are benign and do not threaten health. If the cysts do not disappear on their own or do not heal, they can be treated with methods such as surgical operation.

Causes of Sebaceous Cyst Formation

There are certain reasons that are effective in the formation of sebaceous cysts. If we list the causes of cyst formation;

  • genetic factors,
  • The state of clogged glands in our body,
  • Fluid accumulation in the body,
  • Inflammatory diseases that manifest themselves in a chronic way form fluid, and this fluid accumulates between the tissues,
  • Irregular and unproblematic hormones,
  • infectious ailments,
  • Deformations and cell death in cells,
  • traumatic situations,
  • Injuries you’ve had before.

The reasons listed above are the conditions that cause the formation of cysts in the body. These conditions can be seen differently in every age group and gender.

Sebaceous Cyst Symptoms

Many types of cysts can be seen in many organs. Here we will talk about cysts seen on the skin.

Dermoid Cysts

Dermoid types are more common especially in the neck region. It occurs as a result of accumulation of fluid (substances such as oil, keratin) under the skin. After the neck, the most common place on the body is the chin. They appear at birth. In most cases, these cysts are not noticed until children are 4-5 years old.

Epidermoid cysts, another type of cyst, occur on the face. It is mostly seen around the eyebrows, eyes and nose. It has a structure that can be noticed immediately after birth. It is seen in yellowish and reddish tones. It is full and tuberous.

Epidermal cysts

Epidermal cysts are swellings containing foul-smelling white pus-filled keratin. It is usually seen on the back. When squeezed, a foul-smelling yellow deposit comes out and repeats unless it can be removed with the capsule. It is not harmful to health.

Trichilemmal cysts

They occur most often in middle age and on the scalp, originate from the hair follicle, Cysts that look like chickpeas on the scalp.

Diagnosis and Diagnosis of Cysts

Sebaceous Cyst TreatmentA doctor’s examination is required for the diagnosis of congenital or acquired cysts in our body. In the doctor’s examination, the physical examination is done first. Here, the body is checked and it is checked for any obvious condition such as swelling, lump, protrusion.

Imaging techniques are used for the diagnosis of cysts occurring in internal organs. Especially ovarian cysts can be detected by ultrasound. Ultrasound is used to diagnose whether there are cysts in the internal organs. In the ultrasound examination, information is obtained about the location of the cyst, its size, shape and other details. Cysts can also appear as a symptom or cause of different diseases. Cysts can also be noticed when diagnosing different diseases and searching for the cause.

Sebaceous Cyst Treatment Methods

Sebaceous cyst treatment methods vary according to where the cyst occurs in the body, the cause and whether it is in the risky group. Cysts formed in the skin part are removed from the body by sectioning with simple operations. Larger and risky ones are completely removed by surgical operation. Some types of cysts are cleaned, that is, emptied. After the interventions on the cysts, samples are taken for pathology when necessary. The current status of the cysts is followed up with regular pathology results. Further treatment may be required in any risky situation.

Sebaceous Cyst Treatment and Surgery Prices

There are various conditions that affect sebaceous treatment and cyst surgery prices. Reasons such as how many cysts are in your body, size, benign or malignant status, pathological tests, drugs used in the treatment, whether the operation is open or closed, doctor’s experience, clinical equipment affect the price. In particular, ovarian cysts are in the group of sebaceous that should be constantly monitored. Treatments usually cover examination, tests, medications, and follow-up. The scope of each of these issues is different and each affects the price. As long as you have the opportunity in terms of health, prices should be in the background. Choosing a doctor and clinic just because it is cheap will cause permanent damage to your health, especially in situations that require surgical operation such as surgery.