Laser Hair RemovalWhich is the best laser for hair removal? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by men and women who want to get rid of unwanted hair on their body.

For many years, the method used against unwanted hair and hair problems, whether on the female or male body, is the laser hair removal method. If unwanted hair is not eliminated, they cause a decrease in self-confidence while disrupting the aesthetic appearance and psychology of the patient. If the patient who wants to get rid of unwanted hair does not solve the problem with a permanent solution, he will constantly try to camouflage and hide the areas with hair density that bothers. Laser hair removal offers a permanent solution to this problem instead of temporarily and permanently removing hair on the body. While searching on the web, people come across a variety of ways, from natural methods of permanent hair removal at home; however, there is no scientific evidence that any of these methods completely eliminates the hair problem. The only proven and safest method is laser hair removal. If you wish, let’s take a look at the effectiveness, types and differences of laser hair removal devices.

Which is The Most Effective Laser Hair Removal Device?

Choosing the right device is very important in laser hair removal treatment, since laser epilation is a sensitive treatment where people want to get permanent results and it can cause burns or no results if the laser is not applied correctly by the specialist with the appropriate method. The most important point in laser hair removal devices is that the wavelength of the selected device is suitable for the skin color and hair structure of the person. It is not possible to get the desired results in cases where only the brand is paid attention to in the selection of the device and the skin color and hair structure of the person are not taken into consideration.

As a result, the right question instead of  “Which is the most effective laser hair removal device?” should be “Which is the most effective laser hair removal  device according to the skin color and hair type of the person?”

Which Brand of Laser is Best for Hair Removal?

The question of which brand is better in laser hair removal is one of the questions that is being asked more frequently as the diversity of epilation devices increases. With the addition of Diode and Alexandrite laser hair removal devices as well as home-type hair removal devices, the variety of brands and products in this field is increasing day by day. Even if the rapid developments in the market of home hair removal devices draw attention, there is a very important point that needs to be pointed up in order to raise awareness of the consumers about these products.

Home type epilation devices are not lasers. These devices are IPL, that is, concentrated pulsed lights. Although they provide the comfort of being able to apply to the person at any time, it has not been scientifically proven that they have a permanent effect. They provide temporary hair removal in both body and face. Diode and Alexandrite hair removal devices are laser devices that use different wavelengths and provide permanent and highly effective results.

Laser Hair RemovalAlexandrite Laser or Diode laser?

The question of Alexandrite laser or Diode laser is perhaps the most important question on the minds of people who have decided to have laser epilation and want permanent results. People who surf on the web, ​​information about this topic have a hard time understanding the most suitable laser device for them.

Alexandrite Laser Devices are laser devices with wavelengths of 755 nm, which are not suitable for use on dark skin types and especially tanned skin, and do not give the desired result if applied for this group of patients, but give excellent results for people with light skin and dark hair. They cannot be used for thin hairs on the face, as they are not effective on fine hairs. Among Alexandrite laser devices, Alexandrite Clarity offers a solution to these problems by using Alexandrite and Nd:YAG wavelengths in the same device. While the Alexandrite wavelength of the device is activated for people with light skin and dark hair, the Nd:YAG wavelength can be activated for tanned skin and thin hair.

Diode laser devices have a wavelength of 810 nm and are frequently preferred laser devices in recent years due to their effectiveness on both thin and thick hairs. It can be easily applied to people with dark skin or tanned skin. It can be applied in all seasons and there is no possibility of leaving a stain on the skin of the person. It is applied with the help of a special gel, increasing its effectiveness. Compared to the Soprano ice laser alone, the procedure may seem a bit painful to the person.

Soprano Laser or Regular Laser?

The answer to the question of Soprano ice laser or other lasers depends completely on the skin color and hair type of the person.

Soprano laser offers effective, permanent and painless laser hair removal. It is an FDA approved laser system. In addition to being applicable for all skin and hair types, it is particularly effective on thin and light-colored hairs. The Soprano laser head is constantly moved as if ironing, gradually heating and destroying the hair root. In this way, while the hair follicles are destroyed effectively and permanently, the risk of damage to the skin and burns on the skin is eliminated. Soprano laser hair removal application is also a very comfortable procedure for the patient. Thanks to the sapphire tips that cool and relax the skin during the application, the patient does not feel any pain or pain during the application. In addition to the comfort it provides, it is also a very fast application thanks to its technology that makes 10 shots per second. It makes it possible to apply epilation to the whole body in approximately 45-50 minutes. In addition to the fact that the Soprano laser application can be applied to all body areas where the other laser hair removal is applied, it reaches hard-to-reach places such as the ear and nose thanks to its special tip. .

In the normal known laser, unlike the state-of-the-art Soprano laser, while the person feels pain during the application, there is a risk of burns in the surrounding skin tissue if it is not performed by experts.

In addition to all these, Soprano laser, unlike other laser devices, targets larger surfaces during application and thus has the power to destroy much more hair follicles with each shot. As a result, while the session times are shortened, the number of hair follicles destroyed per session is much higher than other laser device types.

Which is The Best Soprano Laser Device Nowadays?

The question of which is the best device for an Soprano laser is one of the first questions that come to mind of people who want to benefit from laser treatment comfortably and painlessly and permanently get rid of unwanted hair. Soprano laser has been preferred in recent years due to the fact that the procedure is completely painless and comfortable.

Thanks to this FDA-approved system that cools the skin down to -3 degrees, the person experiences a completely painless epilation and also gets the opportunity to get rid of unwanted hair in a much shorter time.

Thanks to its wide head, the Soprano laser device shortens the process time by almost half and can destroy more hair follicles per second. One of the newest models of ice laser, Soprano ICE Titanium Laser has all three wavelengths of Alexandrite, Diode and Nd:YAG.

Thanks to being the world’s first and only 3-wavelength laser epilation device, it permanently destroys the hair follicles and offers a comfortable application to the person with the freshness of ice. It can be applied in 6-8 seasons for all unwanted hair on the body. In addition to these, it also provides very satisfactory results in the treatment of ingrown hair.